Use corporate fonts and colours to match your existing channels, so MyStories speaks to your brand.

Instantly familiar.
500M+ people per day browse using the Stories interface. MyStories provides an omnichannel experience so your Audience can seamlessly transition from online to offline.

Create content without the cost.
Pull video from Instagram, TikTok or any social network and instantly boost the appeal of your display. Turn video and images into a fully shoppable, fully interactive Story – and then embed that experience across your physical channels.

Integrate in a snap.
Create highly engaging experiences that integrate seamlessly into your brand’s display, driving traffic directly to checkout. The best-in-class experience for social shopping creation and distribution.

Get real-time insights.
Track your Stories performance using real-time data and learn what's working well with your audience.

Publish, A/B test, Refine, Repeat.
MyStories is built using Dynamic QR codes, allowing you to change the content on-the-fly, whenever you want. It combines multiple technologies to make this happen in the background with our powerful cloud infrastructure.